Joe Mettle, a multi-award-winning Ghanaian gospel musician, has responded to his Artiste of the Year nomination.
In a recent contribution to the prominent Ghanaian radio station Hitz FM, he expressed his thoughts on the subject. [inline_related_posts title=”You Might Be Interested In” title_align=”left” style=”list” number=”1″ align=”none” ids=”” by=”categories” orderby=”rand” order=”DESC” hide_thumb=”no” thumb_right=”no” views=”no” date=”yes” grid_columns=”2″ post_type=”” tax=””]
In an interview with Andy Dosty, a well-known Ghanaian radio show host, he said:
“I didn’t submit a nomination for Artiste of the Year. That was handled by my manager. That’s probably why it caught me off guard.
I believe I read a comment asking if the award belonged to me or not. They have a set of criteria for nominating musicians, and if the organizers believe you fit into one of those categories, you will be nominated.”