Felix Nana Yaw Adomako Mensah, better known as Zionfelix, an award-winning Ghanaian blogger, has revealed that it was pointless to seek permission from Patapaa before interviewing his wife, Liha Miller.
According to the lifestyle and celebrity blogger, he has interviewed many female celebrities in the entertainment industry without obtaining permission from their husbands or boyfriends, so he did not need to treat Patapaa’s wife differently.
This comes after the “One Corner” hitmaker chastised the blogger after numerous videos of him spending quality time with his wife in Germany surfaced on social media.
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Patapaa claimed that the blogger has an ulterior motive for his sudden attraction to his wife. He went on to say that Zionfelix has been the source of most of the problems in some celebrity marriages and that people should be wary of him when he gets close to their wives.
Zionfelix stated on his Uncut Show that he has no intention of having any kind of intimate relationship with anyone’s wife, regardless of their bond.
When asked why he never asked Patapaa’s permission before interviewing his wife, Zionfelix stated that he has interviewed Fella Makafui, Xandy Kamel, and other female entertainment personalities without their husbands’ permission.
Despite their feud, he admitted to being a Patapaa fan who enjoys most of his older songs.
Related Stories: Just a few months after the Mina and Erica saga, popular Ghanaian blogger Zionfelix has been caught up in another scandal.
Zionfelix’s name appeared on all major blogs in less than two months due to the baby mama saga involving Mina and one Erica, with whom he has children.
Just when we thought we’d seen everything in the case of the blogger, along comes this new development that has the internet buzzing.