Actor Alex Kofi Adu, also known as Agya Koo in Kumawood, has refuted claims that the New Patriotic Party (NPP) has never helped finance the construction of his brand-new mansion.
Actor Oboy Siki said that the NPP helped fund a portion of the construction when Agya Koo’s nearly completed residence was opened to the public.
Agya Koo, however, claimed in a recent interview that despite his efforts to raise money for the NPP, the party has never offered him any financial support.
The actor stated that he was the only one who paid for the construction of his new property and that none of the party’s funds were used.
“NPP will never give you money to spend. It will never happen. The leaders of the party will even laugh at you when they hear you say this. They haven’t given me any huge money for me to even build from it,” he stated.
However, Agya Koo didn’t waste any time in expressing his gratitude for the affection and support he has received from various party members, including Hon. Kennedy Agyapong.
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